及早報名者優惠(3/18至4/10): 填寫優惠碼「CLEANWATER」可獲$15報名費減免
The UN World Water Day, held on March 22 every year since 1993, celebrates the importance of freshwater and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. Last year, by participating in World Vision’s Global 6K for Water fundraising event the second time, FECA member churches raised $62,832 to provide clean water for 1,257 people for an entire year. Please join us again this year to do something beautiful for God together. (Six kilometers, a little more than 3.7 miles, is the average distance round trip women and children in the developing world walk for water.)
Date: May 21, 2022 (Saturday)
Venue: Each cell group hosts the event separately
Registration Fee: Adult $50 / Youth(18 & under) $25
Early Bird Discount (3/18-4/10): $15 off with discount code “CLEANWATER”