宣教報告 / Shillane Chen
在過去的 2.5 年裡,短期宣教似乎因全球流行病而完全停滯。進入許多國家被拒絕或必須通過商務邀請或其他方式進入,並且變得非常困難和選擇性。對未知的恐懼、健康問題、失去家庭等。人們感到沮喪、迷失或分心,無法專注於上帝的國度。
據估計,當今世界上有 78.3 億人,其中 33.7 億人生活在未得之民群體中,很少或根本無法接觸到耶穌基督的福音。根據約書亞計劃,世界上大約有 17,428 個獨特的人群,其中 7,400 多個被認為是未得之物(超過世界人口的 42%!)。這些接觸最少的群體中的絕大多數(85%)存在於 10/40 窗口中,不到 10% 的傳教工作是在這些人中完成的。
未得之民群體 (UPG) 或 未得之民群體:以獨特的文化、語言或社會階層為特徵的可識別人群,他們缺乏基督徒社區向這人群傳福音的. 例如吸毒者、無家可歸者、人口販賣;受社會壓迫的群體;難民等。
未參與的未得之民團體 (UUPG):根據完成任務,還有 144 個未參與的未得之民團體,數量超過 570 萬的靈魂仍然超出福音的範圍。這 144 個族群可能是最需要幫助的群體,因為他們沒有參與,這意味著沒有教會、沒有傳教士、沒有宣教機構……還沒有人有責任向他們講述耶穌基督。例如。烏克蘭人、俄羅斯人、維吾爾人等。
這天國的福音要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後終結才來到。(馬太福音 24:14)
此後,我觀看,看見有許多人,沒有人能計算,是從各邦國、各支派、各民族、各語言來的,站在寶座和羔羊面前,身穿白衣,手拿棕樹枝,( 啟示錄 7:9)
- 我們相信耶穌清楚地表明他的福音會在他再來之前傳給所有國家/民族。因此,全球邊境宣教簡單而主要的目標是協助向每個民族宣講好消息,以實現基督的話!
- 聖經已經非常清楚地表明,除非每個民族的人都代表他的天堂,否則上帝不會滿足。
- 耶穌給了我們大使命,告訴我們要“往全世界去,使萬民作我的門徒”。
- 領養一個團體並開始祈禱
- 資助傳教士
- 成為 FECDB 當地任務工作組的一員
- 十字架鉤針編織
- 新的社區項目
2022 Annual Report
Mission Report / Shillane Chen
Who is God calling you to Love and Serve?
During the last two and a half years, short-term mission trips seem to be completely stagnated due to the global pandemic. Access to many countries is either denied or requires business invitation or via some other strenuous means, all of which makes traveling very difficult and selective. Accompanied by the fear of unknowns, other health issues, losses of the family members, and the likes, people righteously feel frustrated and at the same time are distracted from being able to maintain their focus on God’s kingdom.
Of the 7.83 billion people living on Earth, of which 3.37 billion live in unreached people groups, having little or no access to the gospel of Jesus Christ. According to the Joshua Project, there are 7,400 plus unique people groups, out of approximately 17,428 in the world, considered unreached, which amounts to over 42% of the world’s population! In other words, the vast majority (85%) of these least-reached-groups exist in the 10/40 window, and there is less than 10% of the missionary work being done for these people.
Below is a review of the terminologies:
People Group: An ethnolinguistic group with a common self-identity that is shared by the various members. The most dominant identifier of a people group is their language, but each unique people group also shares a common-sense history and customs.
Unreached People Group (UPG) or Least Reached People Group: An identifiable group of people distinguished by a distinct culture, language, or social class that lacks a community of Christians, which can evangelize the rest of the people group. E.g., addicts, homeless people, human trafficking, socially oppressed groups, refugees.
Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG): According to the organization identified as “Finishing the Task,” there are 144 remaining unengaged, unreached people groups, numbering over 5.7 million souls that are still beyond the reach of the gospel. These 144 ethnic groups are perhaps the neediest of the needy as they are unengaged, which means that no church, no missionary, no mission agency…no one has yet taken responsibility to tell them about Jesus Christ. To name a few, Ukrainians, Russians, and Uyghur.
God’s truths have never changed:
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14 ESV).
“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,” (Revelation 7:9 ESV)
- We believe that Jesus was evident in stating that His gospel should be preached to all nations/ people groups before His final return. Therefore, this simple yet major goal of Global Frontier Missions is to assist in the preaching of the Good News to every people group to fulfill Christ’s proclamation!
- The Bible has made it very clear that God will not be satisfied until there are people from every people group represented in His Heaven.
The world is rapidly changing and is presenting plenty of opportunities around us to fulfill the Great Commission. Here are a few tasks that you can start working immediately:
- Adopt a group and start praying
- Financially support missionaries
- Be part of the FECDB local mission task force
- Crochet for the Cross
- New community projects
Don’t miss out in God’s calling for you. Act NOW as this is our privilege as being His children.