
劉澤輝 弟兄


尊重他人比我們更好,這樣團結就會透過自我犧牲和謙卑表現出來並在內心成長。這種無私的團結感將在家庭及其成員之間培養歸屬感和目標感。它收集了不同的精神恩賜和國度視角,帶來以上帝為中心的創新靈感和敬虔的決策。此外,它將提高士氣和團隊/家庭精神。我們的救主也為祂的門徒之間的合一祈禱:「使他們都合而為一;父啊,正如你在我裡面,我在你裡面,使他們也在我們裡面合而為一」(約17:21)。福音使我們與天父、我們的救主和我們的信徒同工在信仰上團結一致(弗 4:13)。 



在過去的幾年裡,我們不惜一切代價認真地提供和強調會眾和FECDB/ACC 之間以基督為中心的團結– 自我犧牲的關係,他人第一,並透過聖靈培養內在的謙卑,這是我們的基本基礎。這有助於我們在基督的國度裡茁壯成長並建立一個完整的家庭。這不能僅僅透過時間和/或季節來實現,而是透過我們心中基督般的謙卑來實現。祂的介入可以改變我們的品格、我們的內心狀況、我們的靈魂和思想,使我們服從祂的命令,在祂和祂的家庭中「團結」。最終,一個家庭跟隨耶穌!

2024 Annual Report

Message from the Chairman

By Tom Lau

In a relationship, sacrifice “is when someone willingly gives up their own preferences and goals for the benefit of their partner or the relationship”. Family may need to sacrifice individual interests to spend more time to know each together. Family members need to put others first and think of others better than us. To cultivate and nurture such family relationship, it takes humility and self-sacrifice; most importantly the grace of God is needed to be in our heart, our soul and our mind, because He can change our hearts. 

Esteeming others better than us, so oneness will be manifested and grown within through self- sacrifice and humility. This sense of selfless unity will foster a significance of belonging and purpose among the family and its members. It collects diverse spiritual gifts and kingdom perspectives, leading to God centered innovative inspirations and Godly decision-making. Moreover, it will boost morale and team/family spirit. Our Savior also prayed for unity among His disciples: “ That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us” (John 17:21). The gospel creates a unity of faith with our Father, our Savior, and our fellow believers (Ephesians 4:13). 

In fact, we come from different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, born in different parts of the world, various upgrowing environments and dissimilar education. These are the given facts that cannot be amended; however, these make us distinctive and yet perfect in His bigger picture for who we are and what we are in His family. We all do our parts in life, at work and at home. Now we come together in His name as brothers and sisters, parents and children. So, the gospel becomes our common denominator that brings us together to share, encouragement, laugh and cry, as well as love one another as ourselves. 

The question remained whether we are willing to yield and humble before our Lord to fashion what He has modeled being self-sacrifice, think of other first to nourish this gospel base love relationship among us…… 

For the past years, we are earnestly putting our affords and emphasis in Christ centered unity among congregations and FECDB/ACC at all costs – self-sacrifice relationship, others first, and cultivated the humility within through the Holy spirt that are the fundamental foundation of the gospel love; of which helps us thrive and  produce the holistic family in the kingdom of Christ. This cannot be achieved just thru time and/or seasons, but with the Christ-like humility in our hearts. His intervention can transform our characters, our heart conditions, our soul and mind that will toward His command to us to be “Unite” in Him and in His family. Ultimately, a family follows Jesus!