協調牧師 / 鄭文選 牧師
自從去年(2023年)教會開展了全新的異象:「我們是一個跟隨耶穌的大家庭(A Family Following Jesus)」,看到上帝這兩年一步步地帶領教會朝向此異象前進,內心充滿了感恩與歡喜。
今年三月底,梅牧師因著順服上帝帶領她轉向神學教育的服事方向,不捨地帶著眾人的祝福離開粵語堂牧師的崗位;而信實的上帝於五月初帶領了溫和謙卑的鍾傳道加入傳道同工團隊,負責粵語堂的牧養與帶領,幾乎可以說是無縫接軌。更加奇妙的是,鍾傳道上任前一天,就和國粵語堂的領袖團隊們一同參加FECA舉行的City-to-City 研討會,這個大會的主題與目標是「以福音為核心」來開拓植堂以及更新教會,其背後的理念恰巧與我們的核心價值相當(如下)吻合。如此一來,更自然讓鍾傳道了解牧者團隊的牧養理念。
- 在愛中札根:福音賦予我們能力活出被神提升的生命(Rooted in Love: The gospel empowers us to live transformed lives.);
- 在愛中成長:福音連結神家的兒女長成如基督一樣的成熟(Growing in Love: The gospel unites His family to grow toward Christ-like maturity.);
- 在愛中行事:福音激勵我們分享基督的愛給所有的人,不論遠近(Acting in Love: The gospel compels us to share Christ’s love to those who are here, near and far.)。
不只如此,到了六月初,FECA牧者退修會又邀請到City-to-City LA的Rev. Paul Kim主講「牧者心靈的福音轉化」(Gospel Transformation for Pastors’ Hearts”),進一步幫助每位牧者深化福音在他們生命中的更新與改變。Pastor Angela事後分享,這是這幾年牧者退休會,她感到最有收穫的一次。我們也感謝神,給Pastor Angela有機會在八月初到十一月初有三個月的安息年假期, 享受福音裡的安息。我感到上帝賜給牧者團隊有共同的神學異象,並引導我們逐步進深。
今年開始,鄭牧師每週與弟兄董事們進行禱告復興小組(RPG: Revival Prayer Group),在一同感恩讚美與彼此代禱中,感到我們不再只是一起推展教會事工的夥伴,也是一同奔跑天路的家人。意晶師母也設立群組定期關懷姐妹董事並為姐妹董事們代禱。上下半年的董事與牧者團隊退修會都在Scott家舉行,大家吃好喝好分享好,笑聲歌聲不斷、餐點甜點不斷,謝謝女主人Alison的熱情招呼以及每位參與者敞開的交流。
2024 Annual Report
Moving Forward Step by Step
Coordinating Pastor Ministry Report / Rev. Peter Cheng
Since last year (2023), when the church launched a new vision, “A family following Jesus,” I have been filled with gratitude and joy seeing how God has led the church step by step towards this vision over the past two years.
The Deepening of Theological Understanding and the Building of the Pastoral Team
At the end of March this year, Pastor Mui, in obedience to God’s leading, transitioned to theological education ministry and left her position as the pastor of the Cantonese congregation, with the congregation’s blessing. Yet, in His faithfulness, God brought another gentle and humble pastor, Pastor Chung, who joined the pastoral team in early May to shepherd and lead the Cantonese congregation, allowing for an almost seamless transition. Amazingly, a day before Pastor Chung took office, he attended the City-to-City conference hosted by FECA with the leadership teams from both the Mandarin and Cantonese congregations. The theme and goal of the conference, “Gospel-Centered Church Planting and Renewal,” align well with our core values (as shown below). This made it even more natural for Pastor Chung to understand the pastoral vision of the pastor team.
- Rooted in Love: The gospel empowers us to live transformed lives.
- Growing in Love: The gospel unites God’s family to grow toward Christ-like maturity.
- Acting in Love: The gospel compels us to share Christ’s love with those who are near and far.
During and after the conference, I had several opportunities to communicate with Pastor Chung and once again confirmed that he embraces the gospel-centered approach to pastoring. I am deeply grateful for this confirmation (I must confess, I thoroughly investigated Pastor Chung’s understanding and belief in the gospel during our interview process). Additionally, in early June, the FECA Pastors’ Retreat invited Rev. Paul Kim from City-to-City LA to give a talk on “Gospel Transformation for Pastors’ Hearts,” which further helped pastors deepen the renewal and transformation brought by the gospel in their lives. Pastor Angela shared that this was the most fruitful pastors’ retreat she had attended in recent years. Thanks be to God, Pastor Angela also had the opportunity to take a three-month sabbatical from August to early November, to enjoy rest in the Gospel. I feel that God has given our pastoral team a shared theological vision and is guiding us toward deeper growth together.
Care for the Board Team and Collaboration in Training Ministries
Starting this year, Pastor Cheng has been holding weekly Revival Prayer Group (RPG) meetings with the brothers on the board. Through giving thanks, praising, and interceding for one another, we no longer feel like we are merely partners advancing the church’s ministry, but rather family running the heavenly race together. Sister Olivia, the pastor’s wife, has also set up a group to regularly care for the sisters on the board and intercede for them. The board and pastoral team retreats for both the first and second halves of the year were held at Scott’s home. Everyone enjoyed great food, drinks, and meaningful sharing, with constant laughter and singing. Thanks to hostess Alison for her warm hospitality, and to everyone for their open exchanges.
This year, the Mandarin and Cantonese congregations also jointly held a “Kingdom Leadership Training,” hoping to raise up more leaders and co-workers within the church, especially at the board level. This also provided an opportunity for future leaders from both congregations to get to know each other better and build a foundation for future cooperation. Special thanks to board members Scott and Marie for their thoughtful preparation and teaching. Additionally, the Mandarin Worship Team held a one-day retreat on August 3rd, which many Cantonese Worship Team members also attended. It was wonderful to see the growing collaboration and rapport between the two worship teams. In addition to discussing the configuration of equipment, the two teams also supported each other with manpower, exemplifying the beautiful relationship of being one family.
Financial Challenges and Faith-filled Progress
For two consecutive years, the church’s finances have experienced a significant deficit from January onwards, with the deficit exceeding six figures by August and September, primarily due to rising personnel costs, particularly insurance premiums. As a result, we froze salary increases for full-time staff this year and temporarily reduced retirement benefits when budgeting last year. Thanks be to God, we received several large donations at the end of last year, almost covering the deficit. However, a financially healthy church relies on the collective offerings of the brothers and sisters to support the needs of this family. Based on our current congregation size, if all brothers and sisters tithed, not only would there be no deficit, but there would be enough surplus to develop more ministries. I encourage our family members to express their love and support for the church through financial offerings.
At the same time, I am grateful to God that the co-workers have not neglected God’s Great Commission because of financial constraints. On November 2nd, the entire church will hold a community fair, hoping to increase interaction between the brothers and sisters and the community residents, as well as non-believing friends and relatives, creating opportunities to invite them to hear the gospel in the future. ACC has also taken on a booth at the event to show their support. The board, motivated by the gospel mission, expanded the budget for this event in faith, while the organizing team, out of love for the church family, hopes the outreach event will break even. Throughout this process, I have witnessed the family’s faith-filled determination to move forward despite financial difficulties, deepening my sense that we are indeed a family following Jesus.
I believe that God is pleased with all that we offer and will abundantly bless and prosper His work among us. To Him be all glory, forever and ever. Amen.