
董事會主席的話 / 劉澤輝弟兄

“家庭”是社會中定義最廣泛的術語之一,因為它對每個人的含義都不同。 雖然有人可能將家庭定義為有血緣關係的成員,但另一種人可能認為家庭包括居住得近或遠的遠親。儘管如此,其他人可能仍將他們的朋友圈或寵物視為家人。家庭有很大不同,但它們都在一個前提下運作:共同的“愛和承諾”。

新約中的承諾和愛的概念,耶穌告訴他的門徒,“你們若愛我,就必遵守我的命令”(約翰福音 14:15)。對耶穌的愛意味著我們對他的委身高於一切,這種委身體現在順服他和服務他人的生活中。 聖經對人愛主不是一種情感。相反,這是一種將自己委身於我們的兄弟姐妹並在他們的生活中尋求上帝最好的選擇。作為基督徒,神希望我們與他同行,享受他的愛和祝福。我們的順服是出於他對我們的愛,所以我們可以按照他在聖經中的命令來愛我們的兄弟姐妹。


“親情”這個願景不只是一個口號,我們的團隊需要剷除一些舊的,種植一些新的; 拋棄慣常的套路,獲得發散性思維; 消除線性的文化束縛,在我們的領導人、兄弟姐妹中建立一個交叉的、多元化的文化事工。 這也需要我們的兄弟姐妹付出非凡的努力來培育這種新常態的文化和承諾。 我們的牧靈團隊一直在努力實施一系列全教會聚會、講道和教導,以強調這一異象。我們的兄弟姐妹現在彼此更加了解,彼此表達更多的家庭之愛,並緩慢而堅定地打破他們之間的文化壁壘。

毫無疑問,我們ACC大家庭不僅在人數上不斷增長,而且在愛情上也不斷增長。為了表達對 FECDB 大家庭的愛和承諾,他們的成員將繼續支持我們的青年事工。我們仍然舉行每年一次的聚會,以更好地履行我們對彼此的承諾。

這一新願景將在我們的 FECDB 家中持續多年。也許需要重組我們在教會和/或社區服務中的跨文化事工方法。我們的牧靈團隊和我們的領袖需要謙卑地並肩工作,並專注於他的供應和恩典。 所以我們可以努力實現他對我們 FECDB 家庭的計劃和旨意。

「在 這 一 切 之 外 、 要 存 著 愛 心 . 愛 心 就 是 聯 絡 全 德 的 。」

歌羅西書 3:14

2023 Annual Report

Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman / Tom Lau

“Family” is one of the most broadly defined terms in societies, because it means differently from one person to another. While one may define family as blood related members, another may consider family to include extended relatives residing near and far. Still, someone else may view their circle of friends or their pets as family. Families are vastly different, but they all function under one single premise: shared “Love and Commitment”.

The idea of commitment and love in the New Testament where Jesus tells His disciples, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Love for Jesus means we are committed to Him above all else, and this commitment is manifest in a life of obedience to Him and service to others. Biblical love for others is not primarily an emotion; rather, it’s a choice to commit ourselves to our brothers and sisters and to seek God’s best in their lives. As Christians, God wants us to walk with Him and enjoy His love and blessings. Our obedience is motivated by His love for us, so we can love our brothers and sisters as He commanded in the Bible.

In seeking His vision for our church in coming years, the pastoral team and the Board of Directors conducted a one-day retreat, and several followed-up gatherings. In conclusion, we are all in agreement that our Lord guides us to focus on “FECDB family that is rooted in Love, growing in Love and action in Love”.

With this “Family Love” vision in mind not just a slogan, our ministerial team needs to uproot some of the old, and to plant the new; abandon the usual routine, and to acquire the divergent thinking; remove the linear cultural bondage, and to build a crossed and diversified culture ministry among our leaders, brothers, and sisters. This also requires extraordinary efforts from our brothers and sisters to nurture this new normal culture and commitment. Our pastoral team has been diligently implementing a series of whole church gatherings, preaching and teaching in emphasis of this vision. Our brothers and sisters are now knowing each other more, expressing more family love to each other, and slowly but surely breaking down the culture walls between them.

There is no doubt that our ACC family is also growing not only in numbers but also in Love. To demonstrate their love and commitment to FECDB family, their members are continuing in support of our youth ministry. We still conduct our yearly scheduled gatherings to better our commitment to each other.

This new vision is going to carry on for years in our FECDB family. Perhaps a restructuring of our cross-cultural ministerial  approach in serving at church and/or our community is called for. Our pastoral team and our leaders will need to work side by side humbly and focus on His provision and grace. So we can strive to fulfill His plan and will for our FECDB family.

“And above all these put-on LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” Colossians 3:14