協調牧師報告 / 鄭文選牧師
感謝神今年賜給FECDB一個全新的異象:「我們是跟隨耶穌的大家庭」,以及三個寶貴的核心價值:「在愛中札根、在愛中成長、在愛中行事」。因此,年初的24週年堂慶,就由教會傳道人和行政同工組成的敬拜團帶領全會眾唱詩敬拜展開,表達牧者和全時間同工團隊的合一。當天我在講道中引述神學家Dr. Miroslav Volf的話:「神創造世界的目的是要讓世界成為神的家,也成為所有受造之物的家」,鼓勵教會家人深深扎根於三一上帝的愛中,共同建立FECDB成為一個充滿共鳴感(Resonance)、歸屬感(Belonging)、依附感(Attachment)、相互感(Mutuality),一同跟隨耶穌的大家庭。
此外,我們也共同在愛中行事,五月份我們有「環球六公里,為水齊邁步」的活動,九月到十一月我們有一連串「聖誕鞋盒」的活動 ,此外今年也有英國短宣、台灣西海岸短宣,以及十月份的宣教年會。以下是靈命塑造、社關與宣教三位董事的簡要報告:
靈命塑造是全人的轉化,人從虧缺神的形象轉化成為更像基督的生命。這轉化的過程是身心靈的改變, 透過不斷的操練改善身體習慣、內心的思想丶情感丶靈性和人際關係。~蔡偉雄牧師博士。

1. 今年全教會有60位弟兄姐妹報名參加步行,共籌得$4,728,支持5人擁有一年的清潔飲用水。各堂會主要有兩方面的參與: 1) 提升對清潔食水問題的關注;2) 以步行籌款幫助有需要的人。
- 國語牧區於Chino Hills市English Spring 公園籌辦了國語牧區郊遊,男女老幼一起為水齊邁步
- 粵語牧區在五月份按小組時段分別舉行,今年我們的長者團契(迦勒組)打響頭砲完成步行
- 青少年牧區在教會設立的家庭親子攤位活動,鼓勵男女老幼一同互動,並為6K籌募捐款
- 兒童牧區參與了《活水展》並在他們的禱告薄上為需要清潔食水的人之寫上禱告
- 《活水展》:在教會走廊以張貼問答激發思考,並提高我們身住美國的弟兄姊妹使用清潔食水之意識,另外,作為天國好管家反思如何智慧使用天父賜給我們的資源。
2. 《活水展》:在教會走廊以張貼問答激發思考,並提高我們身住美國的弟兄姊妹使用清潔食水之意識,另外,作為天國好管家反思如何智慧使用天父賜給我們的資源。

過去幾年,新冠病毒(COVID-19)大流行、烏克蘭和俄羅斯之間的戰爭、全球暖化、山火(澳洲、加拿大、Maui、加州)等全球事件不斷發生,使得人們退縮並專注於自身的需要。然而,2023 年標誌著新的捲土重來,COVID-19 不再被視為國家緊急狀態,許多國家重新開放。短宣隊重新啟動,中長宣的宣教士也回到了服事工場。
我們於1月前往英國探望移民的港人; 七月台灣西海岸短期宣教之旅,透過英語學校課程分享神的愛; 前往埃爾卡洪探訪阿富汗難民的藝術探索之旅; 遠距會議和實體會議,照顧長期宣教士; 不同基督教組織提供的學習機會。 重新教育和調整聖誕兒童行動計劃,因為這是一項當地活動,但具有全球影響力,因為向外國發送裝滿禮物的鞋盒是孩子和家人透過愛的行動認識上帝的機。
2023年宣教大會的目標在於幫助我們重建對神的誡命和託付的認識。 OMF 提出了接觸上帝世界的 6 種方式。 雖然不是每個人都可以前往宣教地,但每個人都可以祈禱(因為這是上帝在我們身上的 DNA 之一)。 今天挑戰自己,採取六種方式下的一項舉措(例如,為您附近的學校祈禱、探訪老人院、參與當地的宣教社區工作等)。
與神同工並與祂同行是很簡單的。 接受祂對你的個人邀請。 “來吧”,讓上帝告訴你你應該成為什麼樣的人。
2023 Annual Report
A Family Following Jesus
Associate Pastor Report / Rev. Peter Cheng
We thank God for giving FECDB a fresh vision this year: “A family following Jesus,” along with three precious core values: “Rooted in Love, Growing in Love, Acting in Love.” Therefore, at the beginning of the year during our 24th-anniversary celebration, the worship was led by the church ministers and administrative staff, symbolizing unity among the pastors and the entire staff team. Pastor Cheng quoted theologian Dr. Miroslav Volf, saying, “God’s purpose in creating the world is to make the world God’s home and the home of all creatures,” encouraging our church family to deeply root themselves in the love of the triune God, together building FECDB as a family filled with resonance, belonging, attachment, and mutuality, following Jesus together.
In May, we held a Christian Family Month, teaching church members how to build their own households as families following Jesus. In July, we had a church-wide retreat, with approximately 180 church members of all ages participating. Besides speakers sharing God’s word with the theme of “family,” our co-workers also designed large-scale games suitable for families to participate in together, fostering closer relationships among families from different ministries. In December, we are planning a joint choir involving the Cantonese, Mandarin, Youth, and Children Ministries. They will be performing the Carol of Christmas during separate Cantonese and Mandarin worship services. Choir members experienced the beauty of unity in harmony practice. All of these efforts have guided our church family in growing in love.
Furthermore, we have acted in love together. In May, we participated in the “Global 6K for Water” event, and during September to November, we engaged in the “Christmas Shoebox” initiative. Additionally, this year included short-term mission trips to the UK, the west coast of Taiwan, and the annual missions conference in October. Here is a brief report on our social outreach and missions’ efforts:
Spiritual Formation Ministry
Most brothers and sisters should be familiar with the term “spiritual formation”. But what exactly does “spiritual formation” mean? There are many explanations and interpretations going around, and even organizations that have nothing to do with Christianity may misuse this term. So be very careful when searching for information regarding “spiritual formation” on the Internet.
Spiritual formation is the transformation of the whole person from the image of falling-short of the glory of God into a more Christ-like life. It is a process of physical, mental, and spiritual transformation, whereby physical habits, inner thoughts, emotions, spiritual life, and interpersonal relationships are improved through continual practice. ~Rev Dr. Huckle Choi
Spiritual formation is also a spiritual experience in which God works alongside with people. Spiritual growth does not happen through personal intellectual study. A person’s life cannot be changed by acquiring spiritual knowledge alone; he must experience God personally.
Spiritual exercise must be based on our Trinity God and centered on Jesus Christ. It is not an individual practice, but is practiced in a community, and is collectively built and mutually beneficial. This practice emphasizes the integration of life. The process of spiritual growth is from the outside in, from brokenness to completion, and from illusion to reality, until Christ is formed in your hearts (Gal 4:19).
FECA offers various programs of spiritual exercises/practices for brothers and sisters to participate in. These include a nine-week “Encountering God” program, a nine-month “Spiritual Exercise in Daily Life” program, an annual one-day retreat, and special seminars. I hope that you will make good use of these valuable resources and will see you at these meetings in the near future.
Social Concern
6K Walk for Water:This is our third year joining World Vision Global 6K for Water campaign. How can a family of Jesus care for global issue like clean water?
1. This year each zone had their own way to show support and bring awareness to the clean water problem through prayers and actions. The whole church had 60 brothers and sisters sign-up to walk and raised $4,728 supporting 94.5 people for a year of clean water.
- M-zone: A one day family picnic with 6K walk at English Spring Park, Chino Hills
- C-zone: Each cell group had its own 6K walk at their convivence time. This year our senior group (Caleb group) lead by example to be the first cell group to finish the walk.
- Youth: Ran 6K Fundraising activities at church through family games
- Children: Attended the Living Water gallery and wrote their prayer journal for people who need clean water
2. Living Water gallery: A walk through, interactive, question and answer format posted at the church hallway to bring awareness of how Americans consumption water in our daily lives. We also reminded our brothers and sisters on how to be a good stewardship by saving clean water and wisely using our natural resources.
In the past few years, global events such as amid pandemic COVID-19, wars between Ukraine and Russia, global warming, wildfires (in Australia, Canada, Maui, California), etc. are happening which affect our economy as well. These events have made people more withdrawn and turned inwardly. However, 2023 signified a new come back, COVID-19 is no longer deemed a state emergency, and many countries have opened. Trip-based missions have resumed, and term-based missionaries are back in the field.
In 2023, FECDB went to England in January to visit the Hong Kongers; Taiwan West Coast Short Term Mission Trip in July to share God’s love through the English school program; an art exploring trip to El Cajon to visit the Afghanistan refugees; zoom and physical meetings to care for the long-term missionaries; learning opportunities conducted by different Christian organizations. Re-educate and re-align the Operation Christmas Child’s program as this is a local event but has a global impact as sending shoeboxes full of gifts to a foreign country is an opportunity for kids and family to know God through the action of love.
The purpose of the 2023 mission conference is to help us to rebuild our understanding of God’s commandment and commission. OMF presented the 6 ways to reach God’s world. Not everyone can GO, but everyone can Pray (as this is one of God’s DNA in us). Challenge yourself today to adopt one initiative under the 6 ways (e.g., pray for schools around your neighborhood, visit a covalence home, involve in local missional community works, etc.).
Samaritans Purse’s Operation Christmas Child hosted the seasonal kickoff training at FECDB in September where churches came together to learn the Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift. It begins with You and Results in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication in places like Madagascar. In November, FECDB hosted our first whole church family packing party and continues to be the drop off center for the communities. We also encouraged brother and sister to participate in the inspection process at the Fullerton’s Processing Center where we learned even more about where the boxes were heading.
Working with God and walking in Him is simple. Accept His personal invitation to you. “Come” and let God shows you who you should be.
Looking back over the past year, the church organized numerous events (perhaps even too many). While these activities were all focused on our vision, it became evident that the key was not whether the events were lively or successful, but whether we adhered to our core values: “Rooted in Love, Growing in Love, Acting in Love,” during the planning and execution. When we hold onto these core values in all that we do, we are genuinely moving forward toward the vision of “A Family Following Jesus.”