
粵語堂事工報告 / 梅淑娟牧師







感謝神!本年度我們的「同行領袖團隊」加入了新的同行領袖。我們共有五位同行支援導師、三位同行領袖以及各小組領袖分工帶領不同的同行小組,彼此禱告守望、建立靈修讀經和靈命成長的旅程等。很多弟兄姊妹透過同行關係彼此建立屬靈生命 (從沒有靈修到開始恆常靈修;從讀經沒有味到領受和經歷聖靈的感動和說話; 由不曉得怎樣禱告到建立恆常禱告的生命,並在聖靈的引導下為有需要的人和事代求…; 實在要感謝神的帶領加力以及各位同行領袖的委身事奉和為主建造門徒。)













另外,我們預備了代禱卡,讓一些希望牧者或領䄂等為他們禱告的兄姊分享其代禱事項。我們也輪流為不同的對象 (牧者/領袖/兄姊/家庭/長者/青少年/新朋友等)邀請兄姊一起代禱守望。


靠著聖靈,隨時多方禱告祈求;並要在此警醒不倦,為眾聖徒祈求。(以弗所書 6:18)










2022年, 即使疫情仍然未能完全受控制, 感謝神! 今年也有不少新朋友來到我們教會; 由於我們主日恢復了崇拜後在飯堂的茶點、愛筵午餐與交誼時間, 讓我們可以與新來的朋友多一點交流的機會, 對他們有更深的認識。 願神繼續祝福我們的教會, 讓更多新朋友來到我們當中, 亦求神給我們有智慧去接待和關顧新朋友。




強化關懷事工團隊的功能 : 關懷新朋友與兄姊




感謝神的恩典和帶領 ! 在過去二年多的疫情與社會的挑戰下, 神逐步帶領我們眾人回歸到祂和祂的家裡、神仍然把新朋友賜給我們、帶領多位兄姊信主、裝備、受洗等…以及起來事奉和傳揚主名!

2022 Annual Report

Cantonese Zone Report

Cantonese Zone Report / Rev. Edith Mui

In the past three years, under the challenges and shocks brought about by the global pandemic, political changes in various countries, global economic recession and inflationary pressures, pastors of the church have faced unprecedented challenges. As pastors, on the one hand, we should try our best to teach and support leaders and brothers and sisters how to stand firm in challenges, build confidence, grow spiritually, and move forward courageously. On the other hand, under the challenges of the epidemic, we pastors should also try our best to encourage brothers and sisters to return to church to participate in physical worship, small groups and meetings, to maintain the fellowship between brothers and sisters, to close the distance, to strive to preserve the spiritual relationship of unity and concentricity, and to maintain a team that matches the ministry, etc. Moreover, we pastors also look forward to this difficult time, but also an opportunity for our Lord’s salvation on the soul, to continue to encourage our brothers and sisters in the church to seize the opportunity to practice the Great Commission of evangelism and conversion.

In the face of all these challenges, needs and opportunities, I and the leaders and brothers and sisters of Cantonese zone, with God’s help and power, hope to step forward step by step towards the return, the rebuilding of the church and to live a life and ministry full of the Holy Spirit!

Thank God! With the compassion God and the leading hands of the Holy Spirit, the directors of Cantonese Zone, ministry committees, zone supervisor, group leaders and peer support mentors have almost all returned faithfully to God’s home for worship, meetings and services since the first day of the reopening of physical gatherings in Czone. So that we can continue to deepen the work of building the life of brothers and sisters, devotional life, physical companionship and watchful relationships, first faith cultivation and discipleship, teamwork ministry, and outreach care and evangelism.

Zone Pastor and leadership team

I look forward to listening, collecting and understanding more relevant needs and updates through my open of family for team fellowship meetings, regular group and individual exchanges and prayers with leaders (ministry committees, peer support mentors, group district mentors and team leaders, etc.).

Companionship Ministry

Thank God! This year our team of peer leaders has added new peer leaders. We have five peer support mentors, three peer leaders, and cell group leaders to lead different peer groups to pray for each other, build a journey of spiritual reading and spiritual growth, etc. Many brothers and sisters build spiritual life with each other through companion relationships (From no spirituality to the beginning of a constant spirituality; From reading the Bible without taste to receiving and experiencing the touching and speaking of the Holy Spirit; From not knowing how to pray to building a life of constant prayer and interceding for people and things in need under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, etc. Thank God for His leadership and fellow leaders for their commitment to serving and discipling the Lord. )

"Spiritual Renewal and Building Journey" equipment course

A total of about 80 brothers and sisters have joined the peer group led by the “Peer Support Mentor”, and most of the brothers and sisters have also participated in the “Spiritual Renewal and Building Companion Journey” equipment course held on Sundays through in-person, online or video recording.

Bible study

To encourage our brothers and sisters to devotional, read the Bible and study the Bible in depth every day, we continue to encourage our czone congregants to practice daily devotional exercises (through the “Spiritual Diary” on our church website or freely choose devotional materials), and to encourage brothers and sisters to join two Bible study groups led by different teachers to study the New and Old Testaments. This year, we have invited special lecturers to teach us different methods of Bible study, so that our brothers and sisters can study and understand the Bible more effectively and receive the renewal and transformation of God’s Word.

Cell Group Ministry

To encourage the group to deepen the physical and peer relationship, all group leaders and team members are encouraged to pair up as peer partners and join peer mentor leaders to walk together. In addition, cell groups are encouraged to take turns to open families to hold group gatherings, organize outdoor activities and social services, hoping to establish a deeper understanding, love for each other, keep watch and complement the physical relationship.

Intercession and keep watch, thanksgiving and witnessing

This year, brothers and sisters continue to be encouraged to pray for each other and for their unbelieving family members in small groups or in fellow siblings. Encourage more practice of intercession, thanksgiving, and testimony and sharing.

We take turns inviting our brothers and sisters to the stage to share their spiritual experiences and testimonies of gratitude during the Sunday service so that our brothers and sisters can better appreciate God’s wonderful works, so that they can grow in faith and love, broaden their spiritual horizons, have a deeper and renewed understanding of God, and bear witness to the name of the Lord in glory.

In addition, we have prepared prayer cards for some brothers and sisters who wish to pray for them, such as pastors or leaders, to share their prayers. We also take turns to invite brothers and sisters to pray together for different subjects (pastors/ leaders/ siblings, families/ elders/ teenagers/ new friends, etc.).

Prayer Ministry - Promote the establishment of a prayer life

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6:18)

It is our desire to see our Czone brothers and sisters filled and leaded by the Holy Spirit to practice “prayer on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests”. Therefore, besides our regular Wednesday prayer meeting, we tried something new on every 5th Wednesday in year — the special prayer meeting. This special prayer meeting provide brothers and sisters longer and deeper worship time and brings the awareness of listening and the presence of the Holy Spirit through prayer in order to deepen our love to Jesus through prayer.

Czone slightly adjusted the procedures of pre-Sunday worship meeting in order to encourage brothers and sisters to pray for each other before the Sunday worship. Through blessing each other and supporting each other through prayer, we establish the spiritual atmosphere and congregants’ hearts to worship our mighty God. Life impacts life, we pray that prayer will be part of our lives.

Love Feast

Regular love feast gatherings are held to build physical relationships and opportunities to meet new friends.

This year, we held five special love feasts, in which brothers and sisters actively participated, enjoying free and lively worship, fun and joyful prize games, loving physical social time, and rich food prepared with heart.

Ministry Departments: Quality and Growth

Thank God! Some of these ministry ministries have added a number of new ministry brothers and sisters this year, such as worship teams, multimedia ministries, caring ministries, spiritual building and discipleship ministries.

Worship Team

Thank you Lord for creating music, melodies, and musical instruments; that enabled our Worship team, brothers and sisters and members of the church to devote the wonderful worship songs to our Lord. We are also very thankful to have a group of God loving individuals, whether they are newly chosen by God or those faithful and loyal members of the team. They use the gift from God, and spend countless hours of their time, just because they wanted to give the best worship in order to bring all brothers and sisters to get closer to God, so that our lovingly God could be honored and glorified. Thanks for all the support and accommodation of our church and brothers and sisters.

Hospitality Team & Caring Ministry

In 2022, even though the pandemic is still not well under control, thank God that many newcomers come to our church. As we resumed our refreshment, love feast and fellowship time in the dining hall soon after Sunday worship, this let us have more opportunities to chat with newcomers and get to know each other more. May God continue to bless our church, let more newcomers to come and stay in our church. May God give us wisdom for the reception and caring of newcomers.

Enhance the ability of Caring Ministry and teams: caring new-comers and members

To complement and strengthen the existing “Hospitality Team”, “Caring for New-comer Group” and “Caring Group for Members”, we have added a “Care Visiting Team” this year to complement some new friends or brothers and sisters who need care and visits outside of group ministry. My team members and I take turns every week to visit brothers and sisters or new friends in need.

Converted to the Lord and equipped to growth & baptize

About 20’s new-comers visited us for in-person worship, group and love feast gatherings this year, about 13 new friends or siblings received “Planting Cultivation Course”, “First Year of Eternal Life” or “Baptism and Fellowship Course”. And 5 siblings were baptized, and 3 siblings applied to join the Society.

Thank God for His grace and guidance! In the past two years, under the challenges of the epidemic and society, God has gradually led us all back to Him and His family, God still gives us new-comers, leads many brothers and sisters to believe, equipped, baptized, etc… and rise up to serve and proclaim the name of the Lord!