粵語牧區事工報告 / 鍾呈光 傳道
梅牧師在粵語牧區服事超過四年的時間。在這段時間為教會盡心竭力地服事和帶領教會經過一段困難的疫情期。她和丈夫與粵語牧區的弟兄姊妹建立了深厚的關係。 3月31日復活節是她在粵語牧區的最後一個主日。在那一天,弟兄姊妹為梅牧師舉行了送別會,其間分享了各自的感受和不捨。
粵語牧區在過往一年來積極參與各教會事工。 5月有6公里為水齊邁步的社會關懷事工。各細胞小組組成團隊參與這項事工。
2024 Annual Report
Cantonese Ministry
Pastor Tim Chung
For the Cantonese zone, 2024 is a year of transition. In November 2023, Pastor Edith Mui submitted her resignation. Responding to God’s calling, she plans to focus on theological education and pursues a doctoral degree in biblical teaching.
Pastor Mui has served the Cantonese zone for over four years, dedicating herself to guiding the church through the challenges of the pandemic. She and her husband have formed deep relationships with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Her last Sunday with the Cantonese zone was Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. On that day, a farewell gathering was held for Pastor Mui, during which attendees shared their feelings and expressed their reluctance to say goodbye.
Praise God that on that Easter Sunday day, seven brothers and sisters shared their personal testimonies and were baptized in front of the congregation. Following the ceremony, a love feast was held to celebrate their rebirth.
Prior to Pastor Mui’s departure, the church founding pastor, Pastor Albert Wong, coordinating pastor, Pastor Peter Cheng, and the leaders of the Cantonese zone formed a dedicated team to help maintain the Sunday service operations and recruit a new pastor for the Cantonese zone. Thank God for His provision and guidance, as a candidate was prepared for the congregation. After interviews, prayers, and confirmations, the church decided to hire Pastor Tim Chung to lead the Cantonese zone. He officially took up his position in May 2024.
Subsequently, various cell groups invited Pastor Chung to participate in their activities to get to know their members better.
In September, the Cantonese congregation held a family gathering to welcome and introduce Pastor Chung and his wife to the congregates.
Throughout the past year, the Cantonese zone has actively participated in various church ministries. In May, members took part in a social concern project called “6K for Clean Water,” with several cell group teams participating in this ministry.
In July, members volunteered at the Children’s Vacation Bible School, assisting with teaching, games, and drama activities.
In terms of discipleship training, the Cantonese zone hosted two sessions of “Arts and Missions” training sponsored by Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF).
Subsequently, a mission team was formed and went to Philippines to explore evangelistic opportunities using arts. Additionally, several other members participated in short-term mission trips to the UK and Taiwan.
In summary, by God’s grace, the Cantonese zone continues to pursue the vision of being a family following Jesus, advancing this vision through worship, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism together.