
國語事工報告 / 鄭文選 牧師




此外,我們也架構治理體系中的部長層級,盼望藉此提升事工的品質,並達到確實分工的果效。John, Brandon, Angela, Henry四位部長的事奉,讓人眼睛為之一亮他們謙卑的服事、勇敢的帶領,不但定期或不定召開會議討論事工,也帶領團隊精益求精,使教會龐雜的事工井然有序地進行,感覺疫情後許多鬆掉的螺絲都重新上緊就位了。



6/9為幾位幸福小組信主的BEST舉行洗禮後,我們於6 /22第一次舉辦了「全人更新營會」,聖靈親自大大動工,許多與會的弟兄姊妹聖被聖靈觸摸更新醫治。接下來的幸福門訓課程,剛受洗的BEST們都熱情穩定地參與,不但看見他們靈命與信心的成長,更帶給同工們極大的鼓舞。此外,今年的幸福門訓,更有不少弟兄姊妹接受挑戰,第一次嘗試教導的服事,並且於事後表達得到最多收穫與益處的其實是他們自己,真實體會到教學相長。 



另外,8/3的敬拜團退修會,是國語堂敬拜團同工自行籌備的內部訓練,卻不但得到聯會財務上的補助,也邀請到了游志偉牧師(David Yu)、曾祥怡牧師(Grace Yu)兩夫婦指導我們的團練,更有粵語堂敬拜團的同工們參與當中,一同學習。 





Plans and Challenges

Mandarin Ministry Report / Rev. Peter Cheng

Looking back at 2024, the Mandarin Ministry mostly followed the plans set at the beginning of the year. However, there were unexpected blessings and challenges, which are worth giving thanks for and reflecting upon, with the hope of further improvement next year. The following is a summary to share with the church family: 

Establishing Leadership Levels

At the beginning of the year, we structured a new level of leadership by introducing cell group supervisors to better support, nurture, and guide small group leaders with more care. We thank the Lord for the commitment of the three couples—Steve/Javy, Scott/Alison, and Pastor Kung/Ivonne—who served as cell group supervisors. Throughout the year, they became strong supporters of the small group leaders, earning their respect and appreciation. My wife Olivia and I met weekly with the three male and three female cell group supervisors respectively for RPG (revival prayer groups), and we held cell group supervisor meetings. This new level of leadership has been successfully established, and it has been a joy to serve together. 

Additionally, we structured a new department-level leadership to further enhance the quality of ministry and achieve effective delegation. The service of John, Brandon, Angela, and Henry as department heads has been outstanding. Their humble service and courageous leadership, including regular meetings to discuss ministry, have helped streamline the church’s numerous and complex activities, bringing order after the laxity caused by the pandemic. 

Promoting Happiness Discipleship System

Although the Mandarin Ministry has promoted the Happiness Group (a small group focused on outreach) since 2019 (with a two-year pause during the pandemic), this year marks the formal adoption of the Happiness Discipleship System as the core rhythm of the ministry: Happiness Group in March-May, Happiness Discipleship: First Semester in July-September, and Happiness Discipleship: Second Semester from November to January.

After baptizing several new believers from the Happiness Group on June 9, we held our first “Renewal Camp” on June 22. The Holy Spirit worked powerfully, touching, renewing, and healing many of the participants. The new believers actively and consistently participated in the subsequent Happiness Discipleship courses, and we witnessed their spiritual growth, which greatly encouraged our coworkers. Moreover, many brothers and sisters accepted the challenge to teach for the first time for the Happiness Discipleship courses, and they later shared that they benefited the most from the experience, truly understanding the principle of learning through teaching.

Unexpected Blessings and Challenges

An unexpected blessing that was not planned at the beginning of the year was the “From Doubt to Belief” course, which started in September, with 30 brothers and sisters signing up for training. In addition to the emotional approach of the Happiness Group’s gospel strategy, the Lord also provided us with intellectual evangelism materials. This allows us to tailor our evangelism approach to both emotionally and intellectually inclined seekers, sharing the gospel in a way that resonates with them.

Another surprise was the worship team retreat on August 3, which was an internal training session organized independently by the Mandarin worship team. We not only received financial support from FECA but also had the privilege of being guided by Pastors David and Grace Yu. Additionally, coworkers from the Cantonese worship team joined us for mutual learning.

In the first half of the year, the Mandarin Ministry’s event team originally planned a church fair in June. With the encouragement and strong support of the board, it expanded into a full-church outreach event. The Mandarin Ministry, Cantonese Ministry, youth, and children’s ministries were all involved, and ACC even sponsored a booth for the event. On November 2, over 20 booths were set up, with an estimated 250 participants—another unexpected blessing that exceeded our original plans. 

Alongside these blessings came challenges, especially the frequent tension between coworkers, which at times even escalates and affects brothers and sisters outside the team. These challenges reminded us of the importance of spiritual formation in discipleship and the need to integrate the concept of spiritual authority and order within the church’s culture of love and mutual acceptance.

Dreams and Visions for Next Year

Looking forward to next year, in addition to continuing the establishment of the Happiness Discipleship System, we will also offer spiritual formation courses and work to promote RPG (prayer groups) within small groups and ministry teams. We aim to more firmly implement the Mandarin Ministry’s mission: “Mature disciples, loving fellowship, and united mission.”